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Devised and Directed by Peter Mountford

Camden People's Theatre, London 
(2 seasons) 1996/1997
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Marcella Hynes, Lila Lifely - Trip-ee'z, 



"This is arrestingly physical theatre, which uses dance, poetry and trapeze work to show two sides to the gay club scene"

Scene Update

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Peter Mountford, Marcella Hynes 

Photo by Nick Wand


Devised by Peter Mountford and Marcella Hynes.
Directed by Peter Mountford 

Oval House Theatre, London &
Komedia Theatre, Brighton, 1999
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The Killing of Sister George

by Frank Marcus
Directed by Peter Mountford
with Marcella Hynes as June, Rachel O'Riordan as Alice and Kathleen Bryson as Mercy - Camden People's Theatre, 1998
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